Medication Nursing Considerations


Medication Nursing Considerations
Tafe Teachers SB
Karteikarten von Tafe Teachers SB, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tafe Teachers SB
Erstellt von Tafe Teachers SB vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Beta Blocker Check HR manually Assess BP
Antibiotics Assess for symptoms of infection Discuss Bowel side effects Discuss pro biotics
Anticoagulants Assess for bleeding Discuss not increasing food with Vit K WH if pre procedure or OT
Statins Diet education
Antiemetics Dont give PO if vomitting Assess if meds working Provide emesis bag
Narcotics GCS (sedation score) Pain scale RR
Apperients The patient should be on a stool (bowel) chart Dietician review/ diet education Question the patient about their bowels
Antispasmodics Ask the patient about the cramps (PQRST) Rule out other acute conditions
Antidepressants Report patients mood Document patients mood in notes
Benzodiazepines Monitor for respiratory depression Assess sedation score• Can cause drowsiness, confusion, dizzy, slurred speech Can lead to dependence
NSAID Can cause GI upset Take with food Advise pt of side effects
Hypoglycaemic agent BGL Diet & Dietician review Level of consciousness Signs and symptoms of hypo or hyper
Steroids (glucocorticoids) Daily BGL if on reg and high dose Mnoitor weight and mood Educate re: side effects
Cardiac Meds What is the HR and BP (if low or high do it MANUAL) Is the HR regular (feel it manually) Do they need an ECG Any chest pain
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