Other 20th century tonal composers


History of Western Music 2 (Chapter 9 20th Century Tonal Composers) Karteikarten am Other 20th century tonal composers, erstellt von mtempleton1 am 30/07/2013.
Karteikarten von mtempleton1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von mtempleton1 vor fast 11 Jahre

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Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976) Greatest British composer of the 20th Century. Dramatic and lyrical gift. Appealing directness with solid craftmanship and intricate compositional techniques. Composed some of the most enduring operas of the 20th century. Composed the operas Pter Grimes, Billy Budd, Midsummer Night's Dream.
Paul Hindemith (1895 - 1963) German composer, theorist and virtuosic viola/violinist. Taught at Yale. Noted for craftsmanship and clear structure. Tried to bridge gap between composer and performer and composer and audience. Gebrauchmusik (music for a specific level) he did not like that term.Wrote important theoretical books (The Craft of music composition. IMportant works include: Concert music for Strings and Brass, Mathis Der Maler, Symphonic metamorphosis on themes of Weber.
Serge Prokofiev (1891 - 1953) Virtuosic Russian pianist who began composing at the age of 5. Alternated between harsh, dissonant qualities and simple, charming diatonic passages. Witty, satiric moments and great melodic beauty. Wrote Peter and the Wolff, a piece for a young audience that is still popular today. His ballet, Romeo and Juliet, remains one of the most popular of the 20th century. Other important works include: 7 Symphonies, War and Peace (opera) , Lt. Kije (film score)
Dmitry Schostikovitch (1906 - 1975) Russian composer who fell and out of favor with the Russian government. Launched into international fame with his first piece Symphony no. 1 composed at 19 as graduation piece. Can have a biting satiric edge. Romantic tendencies with a rich melodic gift. Government said his and prokofiev's music displayed "formalism" and he was asked to change his approach. Important works include: 15 symphonies, 15 String Quartets, Lady Mtsensk (opera) The Nose (opera)
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