
Karteikarten am Ohne Titel, erstellt von Amber Ripper Unk am 13/11/2014.
Amber Ripper Unk
Karteikarten von Amber Ripper Unk, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amber Ripper Unk
Erstellt von Amber Ripper Unk vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
AntiVirus Designed to detect and destroy computer viruses
Firewalls Firewalls is a hardware that limits your access to the internet
Disk formatting Disk Formatting is the process of preparing data storage device such as a hard drive disk
File Transfer File Transfer is a generic term for the act of transmitting files over a computer network like the internet
De-fragmentation DeFragmintation is a process that reduces -the amount of fragmination
Spy Protection Spy Protection can be a very difficult to process because most spyware is designed to be difficult to remove
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ähnlicher Inhalt

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KFOR Univie (mögliche Prüfungsfragen)
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