
Karteikarten am Ohne Titel, erstellt von Heidi Barber am 01/12/2014.
Heidi  Barber
Karteikarten von Heidi Barber, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Heidi  Barber
Erstellt von Heidi Barber vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Katz and Blumler - Theorist Theorist Katz and Blumler discovered from researching into audiences that there were three main elements that provided audiences with either gratification or encouraged the use of...
Information Using sources such as newspapers to retrieve information about current events which satisfies curiosity gaining a sense of security through knowledge.
Personal Identity Reinforcement for personal values, this is to find models of behaviour, insight into one's self. For example Twitter can reinforce your own values by only following that certain criteria in which you are relating to.
Integration and Social interaction Insight into circumstances of others; social empathy, identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging, interaction, enabling one to connect with family, friends and society. For example someone may tune into a TV drama so that they can relate and reinforce into their own lifestyle.
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