Vocabulary Unit 1


Learn Vocabulary in fun and exciting ways
Mackenzie Wells
Karteikarten von Mackenzie Wells, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mackenzie Wells
Erstellt von Mackenzie Wells vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Providence The protective care of god or nature as a spirtual
Naive Lack of wisdom, jugdement, and experience is being shown
Specify to name a state or detail
Consent Premision for something to happen or do something
Burden that which is carried
Motive A
Consent Premitionfor something to happen or do something
Burden that which is carried
Motive a reason for doing something
Asset a very valueable person or thing
Manufacture Making a product in large quantitys
Deport expell from a contrey
Emerge to rise up or come up
Resigned accepting something unplesent
Propels to move in a direction
Dictate Say or read out loud/ Lay down athoridy
Rashly Not thinking about what you are doing
Prescribe Advise and athoraize use of
Dictator A ruler with total power
Scribble write or draw carelessly
Diction The choice and use of words in speech or writing
exhibit Publicly displayed
auditorium the part of a public biulding
Patriotic Showing ones love for there contrey
dissent the expression of holding a diffrent opinion
auditory related to the sence of hearing
Sensitive cause to respond in a certian way
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