Vocabulary Flashcards


Vocabulary Flashcards from unit 5.1 and 5.2
Teresa Islas María
Karteikarten von Teresa Islas María, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Teresa Islas María
Erstellt von Teresa Islas María vor etwa 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
CHANNEL My favorite TV channel is Disney Channel.
AUDIENCE The audience of the reality show is waiting for new episodes.
DANCE I'm learning a new dance in my game.
IMAGINATION If you read books you will develop your imagination.
FICTION This is a Marvel's fiction movie, it's my favorite.
DRAMMA La Rosa de Guadalupe it's my favorite dramma soap opera program.
INTERVIEW My aunt had an interview to get a job.
EXHIBITiON I went to an art exhibition to see wall paintings
DOCUMENTARY I saw a documentary in National Geographic about lion's life
CHARACTERS One of the characters of Stranger Things is Millie Bobby Brown
DISPLAY I falled down my phone and i crashed the display
DRAMMATIC People is very alarmed because of the drammatic pollution change
DUET Maluma had a duet with J Balvin singing a disco
COMEDY La familia peluche is a comedy program
CONCERT My first concert was Sebastián Yatra
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