C3 OCR Chemistry


Karteikarten am C3 OCR Chemistry , erstellt von luucymarieee am 25/02/2015.
Karteikarten von luucymarieee, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von luucymarieee vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is rate of reaction? How much product is made in a fixed time
What makes the collisions between partials more successful? Higher temperature
What makes the collision frequency of reacting particles higher? Higher concentration
What does a catalyst do? Change the rate of reaction without changing the outcome of the reaction
Why are finer powders more combustible? They have a greater surface area exposed
Why does increasing pressure increase the rate of reaction? Because there are a higher number of collisions
How can rate of reaction be calculated using a graph? Using the gradient of a graph of volume and product against time
When is mass conserved as in a chemical reaction? As the reactants become products
Why does the atom economy need to be as high as possible? To reduce unwanted products
Why does the percentage yield need to be as high as possible? To reduce reactant waste and cost
What is the equation for percentage yield?
What is the equation for atom economy?
What process is bond breaking? Endothermic process
What process is bond making? Exothermic
What process is used to make ammonia ? Continuous
What is the batch process used to make? Pharmaceutical drugs
How are chemicals extracted from plants? By crushing, boiling, dissolving and chromatography
Diamonds, graphite and fullerenes and allotropes of what? Carbon
Why can graphite conduct electricity? It has electrons that can move between layers
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