

Science 10 Life Science Karteikarten am Untitled, erstellt von abbeybell.mcausl am 23/09/2013.
Karteikarten von abbeybell.mcausl, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von abbeybell.mcausl vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what is denitrification? the process by which bacteria convert nitrate into nitrogen gas in the soil.
Define nitrification? the process by which bacteria convert ammonium (NH4+) into nitrate in the soil.
Define nutrients? chemicals needed for life and growth an organisum.
Define Pyramid of energy? A pyramid of energy d=shows the energy available to each trophic level in an ecosystem.
Define Pyramid of biomass? The total mass (usually measured as weight/area) of all organisms in an ecosystem.
Define Pyramid of numbers? A pyramid of numbers shows the aubnduce of each trophic level in terms of numbers of individual organisms.
Define producers? they make energy (sugar) from photosynthesis, e.g plants.
Define consumers? Get their energy by feeding on producers or other consumers e.g animals
Define decomposes? Get their energy by feeding on waste and dead organisms e.g. bacteria and fungi.
Define photo-plankton? Photosynthetic algae found in all aquatic ecosystems.
Define Primary consumers? Consumers that eat plants (producers).
Define Secondary consumers? They eat primary consumers.
Define tertiary consumers? They eat secondary consumers also called top predators.
Define herbivores? Primary consumers that feed on parts of plants (grazing), e.g. cow
Define carnivore? Secondary and tertiary consumers that kill and eat other animals, e.g. human.
define carnivore? consumers that eat both producers and consumers, e.g.. human.
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