FCE speaking, Part 1


Karteikarten am FCE speaking, Part 1, erstellt von Agnieszka Lewanczyk am 31/03/2015.
Agnieszka Lewanczyk
Karteikarten von Agnieszka Lewanczyk, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Agnieszka Lewanczyk
Erstellt von Agnieszka Lewanczyk vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Is there anything you would like to learn about your country? blow my mind explore the history presume
Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing? vigorous effort boost my mood
Do you enjoy reading? gripping book resume burst into tears
Would you prefer to work for a big or small company? foster sth common goal the pros and cons juggle sth
Who do you spend your free time with? mean the world to me fit in value sb
Where would you really like to go on holiday in the future? breath taking view tentalising luxurious
Where do you like listening to music? chillax stress out get my mind off
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