
Lucy Camacho
Karteikarten von Lucy Camacho, aktualisiert vor 7 Monate
Lucy Camacho
Erstellt von Lucy Camacho vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Cultivate To use land to grow crops.
Berry A small, round, soft fruit with seeds, often edible.
Dig To break up and move something, especially soil, with the spade, hands, or claws.
Domesticate To tame or train an animal so that it can live with or be used by people.
Exploit To make full use of; to use selfishly or unjustly.
Field An area of open land.
Forage To search the countryside for food.
Gather To collect gradually.
Hunt To chase and kill or catch animals for food or sport.
Hunter-gathered A person who hunts animals and forages for plants for food instead of raising animals and growing crops.
Nomad / Nomadic a member of a people who move from place to place to find food / living the life of a nomad.
Plow a piece of farm equipment used to break up and turn soil to prepare it to be planted with a crop.
Plow To break up and turn soil over with a plow.
Root The part of a plant that grows down into the soil, takes up fluids and nutrients, and holds the plant in place.
Settle To set up a home.
Tame To take from the wild and train to be calm and obedient.
Till To dig and prepare land for planting crops.
Wildlife Animals, especially mammals, birds, and fish, that are not domesticated.
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