Plato's allegory of the cave


Karteikarten am Plato's allegory of the cave, erstellt von evelinezmuda am 17/09/2015.
Karteikarten von evelinezmuda, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von evelinezmuda vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the cave? The cave is our physical world, the world as we see it.
Is the cave pleasant? The cave is dark and unpleasant, no good is in the cave.
What does the sun represent? The sun represents the form of the good, we'd be in darkness if it wasn't for the form of the good.
Why does he choose the cave? He chooses the cave to represent other forms in contrast with this form.
Is the cave realistic? The cave is an unrealistic and unreliable perception of reality.
What do the people in the cave know? The people in the cave only know the cave, they do not know what reality is really like.
What could the shadows in the cave represent? The shadows in the cave could represent what everyone thinks is real.
What are the shadows in the cave like? The shadows aren't solid; all about how little we actually know compared to what we think we know.
What do the people in the cave think they are hearing? The people in the cave think that what they are hearing is real but it's actually evil.
Why is there no sunlight in the cave? To show how far away from reality we are.
What are people comfortable with? People are comfortable with knowing what reality is; therefore people are 'dragged' from the cave.
Why is it painful for the people to look at the sun for the first time? It's painful because it's painful and often distressing to find out the truth.
What is the outside world considered to be? The outside world is considered to be the forms.
What did the death of Socrates influence? The prisoners want to go back to the cave because of ignorance, we are all ignrant.
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