Croatian_Unit 2_Day 3


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Karteikarten am Croatian_Unit 2_Day 3, erstellt von FSI Croatian am 27/06/2022.
FSI Croatian
Karteikarten von FSI Croatian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Erstellt von FSI Croatian vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
odjel, odsjek section, department
veselim se I am looking forward to
zajedno together
sve dobro all good
o nama about us
Dobar glas daleko se čuje. Good news travels fast.
kad smo već kod toga since we are talking about that
o Vama about you
šest six
pet five
neki some
petnaest fifteen
službenik (sg.); službenici (pl.) employee, employees
iskustvo experience
organizirati to organize
predavanje lecture
biti to be
godišnje yearly
znanost science
obrazovanje education
promicati to promote
na primjer for example
roditi se to be born
državno sveučilište State University
studirati to study
vlada government
kao as
savjetnik, savjetnica counselor
diplomirati to graduate
poduzetnik, poduzetnica entrepreneur
poduzetništvo entrepreneurship
svijet world
međunarodni odnosi international relations
web-stranica web page
tajnik, tajnica secretary
molba request
kratak, kratka short
doći (dođem, dođu) to come (I come, they come)
upoznati to get to know, to meet
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ähnlicher Inhalt

Unsere Erde - Sonnensystem, Klima, Erdschichten etc.
Laura Overhoff
Stochastik Mathe
Laura Overhoff
Lernmotivation - Motivationszitate
Laura Overhoff
Lerntypen - Bestimmung
Laura Overhoff
Ökologie fürs Abitur - Lernfolien
Vetie Pharma 2017
Larissa Görz
EC- Entwicklungspsychologie 1
Michael B
Vetie Tierseuchen 2019 - Anzeigepflichtig/Meldepflichtig
Peter Christian Ponn
Vetie - Geflügelkrankheiten 2016
Fioras Hu
Vetie - Lebensmittelkunde 2017
Birte Schulz
Vetie - Fleisch 2019
Fioras Hu