Module 4: Administer and manage Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machine remotely > Unit: Select the appropriate remote administration tool


Karteikarten am Module 4: Administer and manage Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machine remotely > Unit: Select the appropriate remote administration tool, erstellt von Rick Schoenman am 09/08/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Karteikarten von Rick Schoenman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Erstellt von Rick Schoenman vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the Azure Portal? A web-based unified console to administer Azure resources
How is a configuration page of a resources also called? blade
With which Windows Admin Center tool, can you manage Azure? The Azure Hybrid services tool
What is Azure Powershell? The Azure Powershell modules that you can use to manage an Azure subscription
Which cmdlet do you use to authenticate when managing Azure resources using Azure Powershell? Connect-AzAccount
What is Azure Cloud Shell? An web-based shell session that can be started from the Azure Portal
Which 2 shell languages can be used in the Azure Cloud Shell? - PowerShell - Bash
Which 3 benefits have the Azure Cloud Shell in the Azure Portal? - You don't need to install Azure Powershell modules - Guarantees you are using the latest version of Azure Powershell - It does not require an extra sign in
What requirement does the Azure Cloud Shell have? Requires an Azure File Share to be mounted
What is Azure CLI? A command line interface to interact with your Azure subscription
Which command do you use to authenticate when managing Azure resources using Azure CLI? az login
What is the Run Command feature? Uses the VM agent of an Azure VM to perform certain actions on the VM This is possible even when the machine is not reachable
Name the 11 commands available in the Run Command feature - RunPowerShellScript - DisableNLA - DisableWindowsUpdate - EnableAdminAccount - EnableEMS - EnableRemotePS -EnableWindowsUpdate - IPConfig -RDPSettings - ResetRDPCert - SetRDPPort
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