Unit 06_Lesson 04_Passive Sentence in _Type 2_ in Question Form - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 6: Food and Celebration (Grammar) Karteikarten am Unit 06_Lesson 04_Passive Sentence in _Type 2_ in Question Form - Sheet1, erstellt von SLS Indonesian am 23/08/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Apa yang sudah dia makan? What did he already ate?
Apa yang akan dia goreng? What will she fry?
Apa yang sedang dia panaskan? What is he heating up?
Apa yang akan mereka hidangkan? What will they serve?
Apa yang sedang dia cuci? What is she washing?
Apa yang akan dia dinginkan? What will he cool down?
Apa yang sudah dia masak? What did she already cooked?
Apa yang seharusnya saya goreng? What should I fry?
Apa yang akan dia potong-potong? What will he cut up?
Apa yang sudah dia habiskan? What did he already eat up?
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