Module 1: Configure and manage Hyper-V > Unit: Define Hyper-V


Karteikarten am Module 1: Configure and manage Hyper-V > Unit: Define Hyper-V, erstellt von Rick Schoenman am 13/09/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Karteikarten von Rick Schoenman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Erstellt von Rick Schoenman vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
In which 3 versions is Hyper-V available? - Server role for Windows Server - Feature in 64-bit Windows client OS - Standalone product called Hyper-V Server
Note: there is a table describing 5 feature groups of Hyper-V. It seems excessive to describe these all, since I am not going to remember it Management and Connectivity Portability Disaster recovery and backup Security Optimization
What is a hypervisor? A software layer which is inserted into the boot process
What is the Parent Partition? A different name for the Hyper-V host OS
Do VM's communicate with the physical hardware? No, they only communicate with the virtualized hardware through the hypervisor
What is a specific name for an Operating system that runs in a VM? guest operating system
What are the hardware requirements for a Hyper-V host? (this is probably important) - 64-bit CPU with Second-Level Address Translation (SLAT) - CPU with VM Monitor Mode extensions - Intel or AMD virtualization enabled - Hardware-enforced data execution prevention (DEP)
What executable can help you to verify that a system meets the requirements for Hyper-V? Systeminfo.exe
Name 3 options to install Hyper-V - Server Manager - Windows Admin Center - PowerShell
What cmdlet is used to install Hyper-V? Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -ComputerName <ComputerName> -IncludeManagementTools -Restart
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