L9 Phrases


FSI Basic Slovene Karteikarten am L9 Phrases, erstellt von FSI Slovenian am 31/10/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Karteikarten von FSI Slovenian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Erstellt von FSI Slovenian vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Potrkala sem tudi na vrata vaše pisarne, pa vas, žal, ni bilo. I was knocking on your office door, but, unfortunately, you were not there.
Ali lahko storim kaj za vas? Can I do something or you?
Ali smem vas in vašo ženo povabiti na večerjo naslednji teden? May I invite you and your wife to dinner next week?
Z veseljem sprejmem povabilo. I accept your invitation with pleasure.
Ali vam to ustreza? Does this suit you?
Bral sem o različnih restavracijah v centru mesta. I've read about the different restaurants in the city center.
Ni treba. It is not necessary.
Za dva človeka se vedno najde prostor. Room for two people can always be found.
Ali jo priporočate? Do you recommend it (f)?
Ali ga ima tudi ona rada? Does she also like it (m)?
Odkar je Ljubljana prestolnica, ima tudi restavracije z mednarodno kuhinjo. Ever since Ljubljana is the capital, it has restaurants with international cuisine.
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