Big Man


bob ross is a good man.
Oscar Wright
Karteikarten von Oscar Wright, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Oscar Wright
Erstellt von Oscar Wright vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is optical storage? a Disc with data stored in it. such as blueray, compact discs (CDs), and digital veraitile discs (DVDs).
how do you retrieve it? use a laser light tight to retrieve the information.
CD Compact discs for audio and data storage
DVD digital versatile discs HD video storage
Blue_ray ultra HD video storage
name 3 devices that use magnetic technology (other than a magnet) casset tape, SSD, floppy disc
Name the 6 characteristics of magnetic technology Durability, capacity, portability, reliability, cost, speed
Who is the best rapper?
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ähnlicher Inhalt

must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
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