A2 gr lesson 2 GC2


Karteikarten am A2 gr lesson 2 GC2, erstellt von Vladyslava Zakharchenko am 23/12/2022.
Vladyslava Zakharchenko
Karteikarten von Vladyslava Zakharchenko, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Vladyslava Zakharchenko
Erstellt von Vladyslava Zakharchenko vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
___ (you like) studying English at Green Forest? Why? Do you like
What ___ (you study) these days? are you studying
___ (you want) anything right now? What is it? Why? Do you want
How often ___ (you watch) a film in the evenings? do you watch
What series ___ (you watch) at the moment? are you watching
___ (you prefer) going out or staying at home at the weekend? Do you prefer
___ (you like) travelling? Why / why not? Do you like
What countries (you want) to visit? Why? do you want
What places of interest (you want) to see? Why? do you want
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