Health and Wellness Flash cards


Flash cards
Ernest Oliphant
Karteikarten von Ernest Oliphant, aktualisiert vor 6 Monate
Ernest Oliphant
Erstellt von Ernest Oliphant vor 6 Monate

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the 7 components of Physical fitness? Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Cardiovascular endurance Flexibility Agility Power Speed
Physical Fitness The condition of the body which enables an individual to use his/her body in activities requiring the 7 components without undue experience of fatigue and exhausion.
Wellness Consist of a persons health/diease status of risk potential. Wellness ranges on a continum from death to optimal well-being. Its is not just th absence of diease; but is a state of positive well-being.
What are the 2 Categories of Fitness? 1: Functional and Health Related 2: Motor related
Components of Functional and Health related? Cardio Vascular Fitness or Endurance Flexibility Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Body Composition
Motor Related Fitness? The ability of a person to preform successfully.
What are the fuel nutrients? Carbs Fat Protein
Components of Motor Related (Fitness)? Agility Anerobic Power Explosive leg strength or power
What makes up the foundation on which the Wellness Pyramid is built. Adequate attention and proper application to these two areas will set the standard for positive improvements in these areas. Regular Exercise and Proper Nutrition
What is the CAP which holds down all the areas other areas in the Pyramid? Self Responsibility
What is the Wellness Contimumun? Ranges from Death to Optimal Well-being.
Police Officers have a higher incidence of stress related disorders than the civilian population Heart Disease
What are the three stress related disorders of Police officers? Alcoholism Divorce Suicide
What are some actions that might move the continuum more towards wellness? Stop-Harmful drugs, smoking or Tabacco Limit alcohol Exercise regularly Eat less animal fat
What is the key to preformance in Law Enforcement profession and IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE ABILITY TO PREFORM JOB FUNCTIONS? Fitness
What is the area of improvement needed for Law Enforcement? Fitness
What is the definition of Progressive Overload? For improvement in fitness, the demands placed on the body must be greater than those of daily activities.
As the body adapts to exercise, the demand must be? Gradually increased
Progressing too ___ can lead to injury or drop out? Rapidly
How many hours does fitness start to decline when it equates to preformance? 96 hours
How many hours of rest should we be getting a night? 7 to 8 hours of rest
How many hours of recovery must be allowed between heavy sets working the same muscale? 48 hours
True or False: Injury rate increases greatly if adequate recovery is not provided for True
What is Specificity? The body adapts specifically to the type of demand placed on it.
An exercise should have ___ so opposing muscles are worked? Balance
What does F.I.T.T Stand for Frequency Intensity Time Type
What is the purpose of FITT to Cardio training? It improves efficiency of heart, lungs and blood vessels.
How do you calculate your maximum heart rate? 220 minus your age.
Fitt to Flexibility Training F - 3 to 7 days I - Hold to an east point of tension T - 10 to 20 seconds per stretch T - flexibility gins
FITT to Anaerobic (without Oxygen) Training? Increased ability to make short, intense bursts or maximum effort using energy stored in muscles in absence of oxygen.
What are some examples of Anerobic W/O Oxygen Sprinting, Pushing, pulling, jumping and pushing a car.
What are the components of a Exercise Program? Warm up: 5 to 10 minutes Workout: 20 to 30 minutes Cooldown: 5 to 10 minutes
Dynamic Pre-workout
Static Post-workout
What are the essential dietary components? Fuel: Carbs, fats and proteins.
What are the non fuel nutrients? Water Minerals Vitamins
What is the body's preferred main source of energy? Carbohydrates
What are the 2 types of Carbs? Simple Carbs Complex Carbs
What is the building block of the body because it is used for building, maintaining, and repairing tissue? Protein
What is the most concentrated and essentially endless source of calories which are necessary for nerve functioning, storing fat soluble vitamins, insulation and protection for body organs Fat
What is the most consumed nutrient? Water
What are the 2 different types of fat? Saturated fat Unsaturated Fat
___ tends to be at room temperature and mostly come from animal sources such as whole milk, cheese, butter, beef and pork. Saturated fats
___ tends to be liquid at room and most often come from vegetables sources. These fat choices can help control cholesterol levels and prevent stroke and heat attacks Unsaturated Fats
What are the 2 types of Chlosteral? HDL (good Cholesterol) and LDL (bad Cholesterol)
What is Trans Fat? Often seen in packaged cookies, cracker, pastries, chips, is a fat started out as an unsaturated fat but was altered to where it acts like saturated fat in the body with all the related negative effects.
What are the Carbs, Protein and Fat Balance? 55-60% for carbs 10-15% for Protein 15-30% for fat
_____ does not provide any energy - no calories but are essential in energy process? Vitamins and Minerals
What can be taken to ensure Vitamin and Minerals are a part of a balanced dit? Multi-Vitamin (meets 100% RDA)
What is the most important Mineral? Water!!!
How much water should you consume in a day? 6 to 8 glasses of water
How many calories are in the following: A gram of Carbs ___ A gram of Protein ____ A gram of vitamins ____ A gram of fat ____ A gram of alcohol ______ 4 cals in a gram of carbs 4 cals in a gram of protein 0 cals in a gram of vitamins 9 cals in a gram of fat 7 cals in a gram of alcohol
What is the 80 / 20 rule? Eat healthy 80% of the time but allow for some "treats" 20 % of the time.... this way you'll most likelyu stick with a plan
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