Selection for more than one trait


University Animal Breeding Karteikarten am Selection for more than one trait, erstellt von Sophie Mae Neash am 08/12/2013.
Sophie Mae Neash
Karteikarten von Sophie Mae Neash, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sophie Mae Neash
Erstellt von Sophie Mae Neash vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Why should we reduce the number of traits we are simultaneously selecting on? As it can have adverse effects with little genetic gain as different genes counteract eachother
What causes indirect selection? In some cases it is difficult to measure the trait we want to improve on e.g. milk yield in bulls
How does indirect selection work? By selecting for a second, correlated trait which can be measured
Why are genetic correlations important? In animal breeding we are interested in breeding values and how they are related to one another
What does "genetic correlations" actually mean? By breeding for one trait we make genetic changes in another - these can be positive or negative
What is the "genotype-by-environment interaction"? When the same genotypes respond and perform differently in different environments.
What does it mean if traits are related in a positive manner? They improve the efficiency of eachother
What does it mean if traits are related in a negative manner? If one trait is present, the other is repressed
How do we measure the relationship between traits? With a correlation coefficient
What are the three methods for selecting for more than one trait? 1) Tandem selection 2) Independent culling levels 3) Index selection
When is tandem selection not efficient? If the traits are negatively related to eachother
Describe the principles of tandem selection After selecting for one trait for a number of generations, selection is changed to another trait
Why is tandem selection good? Simple and easy method
Describe independent culling levels? A culling level is set for each trait - if the animal does not reach this level then it is culled
What are the disadvantages of independent culling? Do not take advantage of all the good genes in a population - if they are really good in one trait but lack in the other we get rid of the genetics for one trait
Describe index selection Selecting upon an index score which combines the measure of performances of each trait weighted optimally
What are the advantages of index selection? Allows animals that exceed in one trait to make a contribution to the breeding population
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