Health and safety at work Key words


Karteikarten am Health and safety at work Key words, erstellt von Robbie Marr am 30/06/2016.
Robbie  Marr
Karteikarten von Robbie Marr, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Robbie  Marr
Erstellt von Robbie Marr vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Ergonomics The science concerned with designing comfortable and safe machines and furniture to avoid injury to the user
Repetitive strain injury RSI The damage to parts of the body, in the case of computer users often the hands or arms, caused by repeating the same movements many times.
VDU 'Visual display unit' but the term is now used for any display screen which is usually part of a computer ad is used to show text, mumbers or graphics
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