Cracking and alkenes


A set of notes on cracking and alkenes
megan johnson
Karteikarten von megan johnson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
megan johnson
Erstellt von megan johnson vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
hydrocarbons can be cracked to produce what smaller, more useful molecles
what methods are there of cracking catalytic cracking and steam cracking
what is catalytic cracking heavy oil is passed through metal chambers under pressure and high temperature in the presence of catalysts. This boiling breaks up long-chain oil molecules into simpler short-chain molecules.
what is steam cracking Steam cracking is an uncatalyzed process, steam is added to long-chain hydrocarbons. This way lowers the force of the hydrocarbons so that condensation reactions are made lower.
what are the products of cracking alkanes and alkenes
what do alkenes react with bromine water, it turns from orange to clear when they are reacted together
what is there a high demand for in fuel fuels with short chain molecules
what are alkenes used to produce polymers (plastics)
why is cracking useful because we depend on having lots of fuel with a high energy value and cracking will help provide us with that
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