OCR A2 Forensic Psychology Key Studies


Karteikarten am OCR A2 Forensic Psychology Key Studies , erstellt von amy.banks11 am 31/05/2014.
Karteikarten von amy.banks11, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von amy.banks11 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Farrington (2006) Cambridge Study into Delinquent Development
Sutherland (1934) Theory of differential association
Wikstrom and Tafel (2000) The Peterborough Youth Study - 3 types of adolescent offenders
Raine (2002) Development of antisocial behaviour in children
Brunner (1993) Violence in a family with a genetic abnormality in the Netherlands
Daly and Wilson (2001) Gender-related life expectancy in Chicago
Yochelson and Samenow (1976) Thinking patterns in criminals (psychiatric hospital)
Kohlberg (1963) Moral development in children
Gudjohnsson and Bownes (2002) Attribution of blame and type of crime committed
Bruce (1999) Internal and external facial cues in facial recognition
Loftus (1987) The weapon focus effect
Fisher (1989) Field test of the cognitive interview
Mann (2004) Police officer's ability to detect liars
Inbau (1986) Reid Nine steps of interrogation
Gudjohnsson (1990) A case study of a false confession
Canter (2004) Organised and disorganised theory of serial murder
Canter and Heritage (1990) Developments in offender profiling
Canter (1994) The case study of John Duffy
Pennington and Hastie (1988) Effects of memory structure on judgement
Cutler (1989) Effect of an expert on jury's perception of eyewitness testimony
Pickel (1995) Ability to disregard inadmissible evidence
Castellow (1990) Effects of physical attractiveness on jury verdicts
Penrod and Cutler (1995) Effect of witness confidence on eyewitness evidence
Ross (1994) Using children as witnesses - impact of protective shields/tapes
Hastie (1983) Stages of jury decision making
Asch (1955) Power of majority influence and conformity
Nemeth and Wachtler (1974) Influence of perceived autonomy (independent decision making) on minority influence
Gillis and Nafekh (2005) Impact of community based employment programmes on reoffending
Dooley (1990) Unnatural deaths in prison
Haney and Zimbardo (1998) Past and future of prison policy in the USA
Mair and May (1997) Experiences of offenders on probation
Sherman and Strang (2007) Restorative justice and its influence on reoffending rates
Eberhardt (2006) The death sentence
Cann (2006) Cognitive skills programmes
Ireland (2000) Anger-management courses
Wheatley (2007) Use of acupuncture to treat drug addiction in prisoners
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