EDUC1008 key terms


Karteikarten am EDUC1008 key terms, erstellt von antonia.gage96 am 10/06/2014.
Karteikarten von antonia.gage96, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von antonia.gage96 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
socialisation Definition: The ways social roles, values, beliefs and norms are passed on or are ongoing. Explanation: Interacting with peers and community at an acceptable level. Schools' ideologies affect what is emphasised. Example: If a teacher values being on time, students will be influenced and conform to this social norm. Implications: Being aware of how you can positively teach these values to affect students.
equity Definition: Fair access to resources required to improve lives. Explanation: Giving students different things so they have the same opportunities. Equity is NOT the same as equality. Example: Level readers in primary school classes. Implications: Need to give attention to students that need it most. Need to DIFFERENTIATE.
social justice Definition: Social justice supports the fair and equitable treatment of all people and aims to protect them from discrimination because of race, gender, age and ability etc. Explanation: Giving each child the right to an equal education. Example: Rules are the same for all Implications: Teachers need to be aware of making their classrooms just for all.
hidden curriculum Definition: Learning experiences that are not officially planned, but are implicit within school procedures, curriculum materials, communication approaches and mannerisms used by teachers. Explanation: Can be negative or positive; institutionally approved patterns of behaviour. Example: Being on time to class; socialising positive interaction; school ethos. Implications: The way you implement this affects values taught.
ideology Definition: The body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc. that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class or large group. Explanation: Curriculum ideologies include - academic rationalism; social and economic efficiency; social reconstruction; orthodoxy; progressivism; cognitive pluralism. Example: Ideology affects curriculum - current tension between 'basic literacy' and 'new literacy'. Implications: Ideologies of certain schools affect the job of a teacher, what is taught etc.
metacognition Definition: Learning about learning - different ways people learn. Explanation: Visual; auditory; reading; kinaesthic (VARK) Example: Some people will learn better by viewing images or watching videos (visual). Implication: Need to be aware of different learning types. Teachers should also make students aware of how they learn best.
affect Definition: Emotions and motivations experienced in learning. Explanation: Why learn? Example: A student gets bad marks in a subject and feels unmotivated in future to try/study for that subject. Implications: Need to know how to motivate students, keep them positive about a subject.
cognition Definition: Gaining knowledge but questioning what should be studied. Explanation: How your brain makes sense of things and how it remembers. Example: Building on knowledge in chunks in maths. Implications: Need to be aware of this and teach in a way that will be remembered.
schema Definition: "Internal representation of the world" - Piaget. Explanation: As experience happens, new knowledge changes a person's schema, for example through assimilation and accommodation. Example: Teacher can assess a student's existing schema on a topic before teaching it. Implications: Need to know where students' schemas are and how they change throughout a topic.
Professional Standards for Teachers Definition: The standards and accreditation required to become a professional teacher with certain skills, credibility and authority. Explanation: 3 domains of National PST - 1. professional knowledge; 2. professional practice; 3. professional engagement. Example: Knowing how to structure and sequence lessons in order to effectively engage students.
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