Zacchaeus Snape
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

A Levels Computing Quiz on A level Computing Quiz, created by Zacchaeus Snape on 06/12/2014.

Zacchaeus Snape
Created by Zacchaeus Snape over 10 years ago

A level Computing Quiz

Question 1 of 16


What is the role of an operating system?

Select one or more of the following:

  • To manage the hardware and resources

  • To provide software

  • To provide a nice looking interface

  • To make the computer easier to use

  • To provide a virtual machine


Question 2 of 16


What is an intractable problem?

Select one of the following:

  • An unsolvable problem

  • A problem that can be solved

  • A problem that cannot be solved within a reasonable amount of time

  • A problem that is too big

  • A problem that is too abstract


Question 3 of 16


How might we be able to solve an intractable problem?

Select one or more of the following:

  • The way we would solve any other problem

  • Using a heuristic approach

  • By ignoring some of the contraints and producing a non-optimal solution

  • By guessing randomly

  • Using an algorithm


Question 4 of 16


What are the features of an embedded operating system?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Lower hardware requirements

  • High processing power

  • Limited or no user interface

  • Designed to run many different types of software

  • Designed to operate mostly on its own from within other hardware

  • Never real-time

  • Manages power consumption in battery-powered devices


Question 5 of 16


What are the features of a desktop operating system?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Must be able to support a wide range of peripherals

  • Able to run on a wide range of hardware

  • Limited memory capacity

  • Supports a wide range of software

  • Must work on mobile devices

  • Must manage security

  • Customisable by the user

  • Hard to upgrade

  • Supports networking protocols


Question 6 of 16


What is overflow?

Select one of the following:

  • Where a number is too large to be stored in the available number of bits

  • Where a number is too large

  • Where a number is too small to be stored in the available number of bits

  • Where a number is too small

  • Where a number overflows the boundary


Question 7 of 16


Which of these situations might cause overflow?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Multiplying two numbers together

  • Dividing by a small number

  • Converting a number from one type to another

  • Adding two numbers

  • Dividing by zero


Question 8 of 16


What does Third Normal Form mean?

Select one or more of the following:

  • No repeating groups of attributes

  • They don't rely on eachother

  • No non-key attribute depends on another non-key attribute

  • All attributes depend on a non-key attribute

  • They all depend on eachother


Question 9 of 16


Why is putting a database in Third Normal Form important?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Minimise data duplication

  • Eliminate update anomalies

  • To save space

  • To keep the database from getting too big

  • Eliminate overlap


Question 10 of 16


When is an adjacency matrix appropriate?

Select one of the following:

  • When there are more edges than vertices

  • When there are a fewer edges than vertices

  • When there lots of nodes

  • When there are lots of edges


Question 11 of 16


What are the properties of a tree?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Every node must be connected

  • There must be no cycles

  • It must be branched

  • It has cycles

  • Every node must be connected by more than one edge


Question 12 of 16


No computing device can be more powerful than a Turing machine

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 13 of 16


If a Turing machine cannot solve a problem then it is still possible that it could be solved

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 14 of 16


What is the purpose of a subnet mask?

Select one or more of the following:

  • identifies which other computers are on the same segment

  • tells the computer where it is

  • shows which computers can have packets sent directly to them

  • identifies which computers are on a different segment

  • shows which computers must have packets sent to them via the router


Question 15 of 16


What measures could be put in place to increase the security of a WiFi network?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Reduce the power of the transmitter

  • Check the MAC addresses trying to connect and only allow computers on a certain list to connect

  • Require a password to connect to the network

  • Send data unencrypted

  • Use a router

  • Allow all MAC addresses to connect


Question 16 of 16


What is meant by overriding when writing programs that involve inheritance?

Select one or more of the following:

  • redefining methods that are defined in the parent class

  • using the same name for a method used in the parent class, but assigning new attributes to it

  • defining a new method

  • changing attributes of a class

  • using a method that is defined in the parent class
