Ben Williams
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

USA - Differential Diagnosis Quiz on USA - Differential Diagnosis - Random Questions, created by Ben Williams on 01/22/2018.

Ben Williams
Created by Ben Williams over 6 years ago

USA - Differential Diagnosis - Random Questions

Question 1 of 5


Select the components of the common pain referral pattern for Typical Angina.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Substernal Pain

  • L Shoulder Pain

  • Pain along the inside of the left arm in the C8 and T1 distribution

  • Face/Jaw/Teeth Pain

  • B Shoulder Pain

  • Posterior Thorax Pain

  • Pain down both Arms


Question 2 of 5


Select the common locations of pain in Atypical Angina.

Select one or more of the following:

  • Face/Jaw/Teeth

  • One or Both Shoulders

  • Posterior Thorax

  • Down One or Both Arms

  • Substernal Region

  • L Hand

  • Throat

  • Liver


Question 3 of 5


Which of the following would help you differentiate Typical Angina from Atypical Angina?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Exertional (or stressful) Onset

  • Pain lasts one to ten minutes

  • Non-Exertional Onset

  • May occur at rest, especially early morning

  • Pain lasts longer than 2-hrs

  • Pain lasts for only 2-seconds


Question 4 of 5


Which of the following is the complete list of characteristics for Unstable Angina?

Select one of the following:

  • Inc. Frequency,
    Earlier Onset,
    Spreading or Radiating,
    Higher Doses of Nitroglycerin Needed,
    Longer Time to Relief

  • Inc. Frequency,
    Spreading or Radiating,
    Higher Doses of Nitroglycerin Needed,
    Longer Time to Relief,
    More Intense Pain

  • Inc. Frequency,
    Earlier Onset,
    Spreading or Radiating,
    Longer Time to Relief,
    More Intense Pain

  • Inc. Frequency,
    Earlier Onset,
    Spreading or Radiating,
    Higher Doses of Nitroglycerin Needed,
    Intermittent Pain in Random Locations


Question 5 of 5


If you suspect leg pain of vascular origin, which pulses should be taken?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Femoral a.

  • Popliteal a.

  • Posterior Tibial a.

  • Dorsalis Pedis a.

  • Inferior Epigastric a.

  • Sural a.

  • Anterior Tibial a.
