Michael Jardine
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

I got 100%

Michael Jardine
Created by Michael Jardine about 6 years ago

GEGE2001 Quiz 3

Question 1 of 10


DNA replication:
1. Was first observed in Darwin’s finches
2. Must be accurate in order to transmit the genome to the next generation
3. Is accurate in germ cells and error prone in somatic cells
4. Must include some errors in order to produce variation

Select one of the following:

  • 2 and 4

  • 3 and 4

  • 1 and 2

  • 1 and 3

  • 1 only


Question 2 of 10



Select one of the following:

  • Does not occur in humans due to the use of sunscreens

  • Causes a bulge in the DNA helix

  • Repairs pyrimidine dimers

  • Utilises UV light for photolyase activity

  • Uses UV light and visible light sequentially


Question 3 of 10


Siamese cats show a range of coat colours on a single individual because:

Select one of the following:

  • Coat colour is a polygenic trait with many genotypes possible in the breed

  • The breed was originally formed by the mating of a pale coat cold-climate cat and a brown coat warm-climate cat

  • Frequent somatic mutation occurs in the TYR genes when cats are not kept warm

  • Cats arise from the fusion of 2 or more zygotes causing genetic mosaicism

  • They are homozygous for a missense mutation in TYR that produces a heat sensitive tyrosinase protein


Question 4 of 10


The _ori_T on the plasmid

Select one of the following:

  • Facilitates phage DNA entry to the recipient

  • Was the first gene to evolve on the F plasmid

  • Initiates expression of the pilus genes

  • Is the origin of gene transfer in conjugation

  • Encodes the state of origin helper protein


Question 5 of 10


All types of Transposable Elements (TEs) have

Select one of the following:

  • Either inverted repeats or long terminal repeats at the ends

  • A copy and paste mechanism for movement

  • pol and gag genes

  • RNA genomes

  • Antibiotic resistance genes


Question 6 of 10


In cattle, blood groups are

Select one of the following:

  • None of the other answers

  • Quantitative traits as there are discrete classes of cattle in the population

  • Qualitative traits as there are not discrete classes of progeny as a result of various matings

  • Quantitative traits as there are discrete classes of progeny as a result of various matings

  • Qualitative traits as there are discrete classes of progeny as a result of various matings


Question 7 of 10


Transgressive segregation is

Select one of the following:

  • The presence of hybrids that are intermediate between two parent lines

  • The origin of F2 and subsequent progenies which are intermediate between two parent types

  • The origin of F2 and subsequent progenies which are either superior or inferior to the parents they are derived from

  • The presence of hybrids that are superior to the best parent

  • None of the other answers


Question 8 of 10


Heritability is

Select one of the following:

  • Will have a different value in males and females

  • None of the other answers

  • Specific to a trait in a population in a specific environment

  • For a particular breed of animals has the same value for all quantitative traits

  • Can only have a maximum value of 0.5 or 50%


Question 9 of 10


Heterosis is

Select one of the following:

  • The presence of hybrids that are intermediate between two parent lines

  • None of the other answers

  • The origin of F2 and subsequent progenies which are intermediate between the two parent types

  • The origin of F2 and subsequent progenies which are either superior or inferior to the parents they are derived from

  • The presence of hybrids that are superior to the best parent


Question 10 of 10



Select one of the following:

  • Is the chi-squared value in testing a 3:1 ratio

  • None of the other answers

  • Is not related to the statistical relationship between the trait measures in various relatives

  • Can be measured by the regression of the trait in the offspring and their parents

  • Is another way of measuring the recombination fraction in cM
