Lavington ICT
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

A multiple choice quiz for the A451 unit on Software

Lavington ICT
Created by Lavington ICT over 9 years ago

2.1.3 Software

Question 1 of 14


System software...

Select one of the following:

  • controls the hardware

  • handles real world jobs that users want to do

  • has limited functionality and is used to maintain computer systems


Question 2 of 14


Application software (e.g. word processors, hotel booking systems, e.t.c.)...

Select one of the following:

  • controls the hardware.

  • handles real world jobs that users want to do.

  • has limited functionality and is used to maintain computer systems.


Question 3 of 14


Utility software (e.g. firewalls, system cleanup, defragmentation)...

Select one of the following:

  • has full functionality and is used to maintain computer systems.

  • has limited functionality and is used to maintain computer systems.

  • has limited functionality and is used to maintain applications.


Question 4 of 14


The operating system is a set of programs that...

Select one of the following:

  • controls the hardware and lets users work with the computer.

  • lets users and applications work with the computer.

  • controls the hardware and lets users and applications work with the computer.


Question 5 of 14


A user interface of a computer is...

Select one of the following:

  • the boundary between human user and the machine.

  • the boundary between human user and the internet.

  • the boundary between human user and an application.


Question 6 of 14


A command line interface requires users to...

Select one of the following:

  • type commands.

  • click on icons.

  • type responses.


Question 7 of 14


A graphical user interface (GUI) uses images, known as icons to represent resources, files, programs and actions.
GUI's are useful because...

Select one of the following:

  • they are intuitive and the user does not need to learn commands.

  • keyboard use is minimal and the user does not need to learn commands.

  • they are intuitive, keyboard use is minimal and the user does not need to learn commands.


Question 8 of 14


Operating systems to need to manage memory and decide what goes where in memory. They have to make sure

Select one of the following:

  • 1)memory is used efficiency. 2) important data is not overwritten during the running of a program.

  • 1)memory is used efficiency. 2) important data may be overwritten during the running of a program.

  • 1)memory is used efficiency. 2) important programs are not overwritten during the running of a program.


Question 9 of 14


Operating systems organise files on secondary storage. Most use hierarchical systems: - Files are stored in
directories. - Directories can include sub-directories. A directory is a...

Select one of the following:

  • random grouping of files. In a Windows based system directories are often called folders.

  • logical grouping of files. In a Windows based system directories are often called files.

  • logical grouping of files. In a Windows based system directories are often called folders.


Question 10 of 14


Privileges are the rights assigned to users and groups. They may include features such as whether for a particular
file the user can:

Select one of the following:

  • read (view it) - write (change it) - execute (run it if it is a program)

  • read (view it) - protect (secure access) - execute (run it if it is a program)

  • write (change it) - protect (secure access) - execute (run it if it is a program)


Question 11 of 14


Custom written software is...

Select one of the following:

  • software specifically created for a particular users needs

  • software that can be bought from a supplier and is ready to install. It may have additional features that the user
    does not need.

  • software placed in the public domain by programmers. They often produce software to improve their skills or for
    the public good.

  • software that is developed for profit by a company. The source code is retained as a valuable trade secret. Users
    but a license to use it.


Question 12 of 14


Open source software is...

Select one of the following:

  • software specifically created for a particular users needs

  • software that can be bought from a supplier and is ready to install. It may have additional features that the user
    does not need.

  • software placed in the public domain by programmers. They often produce software to improve their skills or for
    the public good.

  • software that is developed for profit by a company. The source code is retained as a valuable trade secret. Users
    but a license to use it.


Question 13 of 14


Off the shelf software is...

Select one of the following:

  • software specifically created for a particular users needs

  • software that can be bought from a supplier and is ready to install. It may have additional features that the user
    does not need.

  • software placed in the public domain by programmers. They often produce software to improve their skills or for
    the public good.

  • software that is developed for profit by a company. The source code is retained as a valuable trade secret. Users
    but a license to use it.


Question 14 of 14


Proprietary software is...

Select one of the following:

  • software specifically created for a particular users needs

  • software that can be bought from a supplier and is ready to install. It may have additional features that the user
    does not need.

  • software placed in the public domain by programmers. They often produce software to improve their skills or for
    the public good.

  • software that is developed for profit by a company. The source code is retained as a valuable trade secret. Users
    but a license to use it.
