tsampikos pompou
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


tsampikos pompou
Created by tsampikos pompou over 8 years ago
tsampikos pompou
Copied by tsampikos pompou over 8 years ago


Question 1 of 50


106 How can the ground effect affect an airplane]

Select one of the following:

  • O to take off before reaching the manufacturer speed for take off

  • O to sink back on the runway just after take off

  • O to be unable to take off even after passing the calculated take off speed

  • O high rate of descent and a hard landing during approach


Question 2 of 50


107 Which unwanted effect may the pilot experience during take off due to the ground effect]

Select one of the following:

  • O to take off before reaching the manufacturer speed for take off

  • O to be unable to take off even after passing the calculated take off speed

  • O to sink back on the runway just after take off

  • O to experience difficulties during the first 20 feet of climb after take off


Question 3 of 50


108 During landing the ground effect is more noticeable]

Select one of the following:

  • O When the height of the aircraft from the runway is less than half its wing span

  • O When the height of the aircraft from the runway is equal to twice its wing span

  • O when descending at a high angle of attack

  • O when descending at a speed close to the stall speed


Question 4 of 50


109 At what altitude, can the ground effect affect an airplane]

Select one of the following:

  • O equal to the wing span

  • O between 100 and 200 feet above the runway in calm wind conditions

  • O at less than half the wing span

  • O 3 or 4 times the wing span


Question 5 of 50


110 Wake turbulence are more intense when the aircraft creating them is

Select one of the following:

  • O heavy, clean and slow

  • O light and fast

  • O heavy and fast


Question 6 of 50


111 wing tip vortices are created only when the aircraft...

Select one of the following:

  • O produces lift

  • O is flying at high speed

  • O is big

  • O no correct answer


Question 7 of 50


112 Wing tip vortices have a tendency

Select one of the following:

  • O to sink behind the aircraft that creates them

  • O to climb and reach the traffic pattern altitude

  • O to climb and spread left and right

  • O to remain exactly behind and at the same altitude as the aircraft that created them


Question 8 of 50


113 When a pilot is landing behind a big aircraft, he has to keep his path clear of wake turbulence by flying

Select one of the following:

  • O above the path of the big airplane and by landing after its the landing spot

  • O below the path of the big airplane and by landing before its the landing spot

  • O above the path of the big airplane and by landing before its the landing spot

  • O below the path of the big airplane by landing after its the landing spot


Question 9 of 50


114 When a pilot is taking off behind a big aircraft, he has to keep his path clear of wake turbulence by flying

Select one of the following:

  • O higher and to the upwind side of the taking off aircraft

  • O lower and to the downwind side of the taking off aircraft

  • O lower and to the upwind side of the taking off aircraft

  • O higher and to the downwind side of the taking off aircraft


Question 10 of 50


115 Aircraft's Empty weight includes...

Select one of the following:

  • O hydraulic fluid, oil and unuseable fuel

  • O only the airframe, the engine and the equipment installed by the manufacturer

  • O Fuel and Oil tanks full but without the weight of the crew and baggage

  • O unusable fuel and provisional equipment ex. potable water e.t.c.


Question 11 of 50


116 The four forces acting on an airplane in flight are?

Select one of the following:

  • O lift, weight, thrust, and drug

  • O lift, weight, gravity, and thrust

  • O lift, gravity, power, and friction

  • O lift, power, thrust, and drug


Question 12 of 50


117 What force makes an airplane turn:

Select one of the following:

  • O the horizontal component of lift

  • O the vertical component of lift

  • O centrifugal force

  • O Bernoulli's force


Question 13 of 50


118 During an approach to a stall, an increased load factor will cause the airplane to :

Select one of the following:

  • O stall at a higher airspeed

  • O have a tendency to spin

  • O be more difficult to control

  • O turn left


Question 14 of 50


119 The most important rule to remember in the event of a power failure after becoming airborne is to:

Select one of the following:

  • O immediately establish the proper gliding attitude and airspeed

  • O quickly check the fuel supply for possible fuel exhaustion

  • O determine the wind direction to plan for the forced landing

  • O determine the reasons for the power failure


Question 15 of 50


120 The amount of excess load that can imposed on the wing of an airplane depends upon the:

Select one of the following:

  • O speed of the airplane

  • O position of the CG

  • O abruptness at which the load is applied

  • O wind direction


Question 16 of 50


121 Which basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on an airplane as compared to straight-and-level flight?

Select one of the following:

  • O turns

  • O climbs

  • O stalls

  • O descents


Question 17 of 50


122 When does the P- factor cause the airplane to yaw to the left:

Select one of the following:

  • O when at high angles of attack

  • O when at low angles of attack

  • O when at high airspeed

  • O when at low airspeed


Question 18 of 50


126 In what flight condition is torque effect the greatest in a single-engine airplane?

Select one of the following:

  • O Low airspeed, high power, high angle of attack

  • O Low airspeed, low power, low angle of attack

  • O High airspeed, high power, high angle of attack

  • O High airspeed, high power, low angle of attack


Question 19 of 50


127 During a spin to the left, which wing(s) s/are stalled?

Select one of the following:

  • O both wings are stalled

  • O neither wing is stalled

  • O only the left wing is stalled

  • O only the right wing is stalled


Question 20 of 50


128 What is the purpose of the rudder on an airplane?

Select one of the following:

  • O to control yaw

  • O to control over banking tendency

  • O to control roll

  • O to control pitch


Question 21 of 50


129 Loading an airplane to the most aft CG will cause the airplane to be:

Select one of the following:

  • O less stable at all speeds

  • O less stable at low speeds, but more stable at high speeds

  • O less stable at high speeds, but more stable at low speeds

  • O more stable at all speeds


Question 22 of 50


130 In what flight condition must an aircraft be placed in order to spin?

Select one of the following:

  • O stalled

  • O in a steep diving spiral

  • O in a steep diving spiralL

  • O during a climb


Question 23 of 50


131 An airplane said to be inherently stable will :

Select one of the following:

  • O require less effort to control

  • O be difficult to stall

  • O not spin

  • O be difficult to turn


Question 24 of 50


132 What determines the longitudinal stability of an airplane?

Select one of the following:

  • O the location of the CG with respect to the center of lift

  • O the effectiveness of the horizontal stabilizer, and rudder

  • O the weight of the airplane

  • O the direction of the relative wind


Question 25 of 50


133 Ground effect is most likely to result in which problem?

Select one of the following:

  • O becoming airborne before reaching recommended takeoff speed

  • O settling to the surface abruptly during landing

  • O inability to get airborne even though airspeed is sufficient for normal take off needs

  • O inability to land in short runways


Question 26 of 50


134 Angle of attack is defined as the angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the:

Select one of the following:

  • O direction of the relative wind

  • O longitudinal axis f the airplane

  • O normal axis of the airplane

  • O lateral axis of the airplane


Question 27 of 50


135 One of the main functions of flaps during approach and landing is to:

Select one of the following:

  • O increase the angle of descent without increasing the airspeed

  • O decrease the angle of descent without increasing the airspeed

  • O permit a touchdown at a higher airspeed

  • O decrease the angle of descent and increase the airspeed


Question 28 of 50


136 What is one purpose of wing flaps?

Select one of the following:

  • O to enable the pilot to make steeper approaches to a landing without increasing the airspeed

  • O to relieve the pilot of maintaining continuous pressure on the controls

  • O to decrease wing area to vary lift

  • O to help in landing with increasing speed


Question 29 of 50


137 The angle of attack at which an airplane wing stalls will:

Select one of the following:

  • O remain the same regardless of gross weight

  • O increase if the CG is moved forward

  • O change with an increase in gross weight

  • O decrease if the CG is moved forward


Question 30 of 50


138 Floating caused by the phenomenon of ground effect will be most realized during an approach to land when:

Select one of the following:

  • O at less than the length of the wingspan above the surface

  • O at twice the length of the wingspan above the surface

  • O at a higher than normal angle of attack

  • O landing with tail wind


Question 31 of 50


139 When are the four forces that act on an airplane in equilibrium?

Select one of the following:

  • O During unaccelerated flight

  • O When the aircraft is accelerating

  • O When the aircraft is at rest on the ground

  • O at MSL


Question 32 of 50


140 What is the relationship of lift, drug, thrust, and weight when the airplane is in straight-and level flight?

Select one of the following:

  • O Lift equals weight and thrust equals drag

  • O Lift, drug and weight equal thrust

  • O Lift and weight equal thrust and drug

  • O Thrust, drug and weight equal lift


Question 33 of 50


141 What is the effect of deploying trailing edge flaps?

Select one of the following:

  • O Increases CL and decreases Vs

  • O Increases CL and Vs

  • O Decreases CL and Vs

  • O Decreases CL and increases Vs


Question 34 of 50


142 What is the effect of deploying leading edge slats?

Select one of the following:

  • O Energising boundary layer and decreasing Vs

  • O Energising boundary layer and increasing Vs

  • O De-energising boundary layer and decreasing Vs

  • O De-energising boundary layer and increasing Vs


Question 35 of 50


143 What is the effect on wing pitching moment, of deploying trailing edge flaps prior to landing?

Select one of the following:

  • O Nose up pitching moment replaced by a nose down pitching moments.

  • O Increased nose down pitching moment.

  • O Decreased nose down pitching moment.

  • O Increased nose up pitching moment.


Question 36 of 50


144 What effect does deployment of trailing edge flaps have on stalling angle of

Select one of the following:

  • O Decreased stalling angle.

  • O No change.

  • O Increased stalling angle.

  • O Increased or decreased stalling angle depending on wing sweep angle.


Question 37 of 50


145 What trailing edge flap angle will give the minimum stalling speed?

Select one of the following:

  • O Maximum deflection.

  • O Zero degrees.

  • O 20 degrees.

  • O 30 degrees.


Question 38 of 50


146 What trailing edge flap angle will give best L : D ratio?

Select one of the following:

  • O Zero angle.

  • O Maximum angle.

  • O 20 degrees.

  • O 30 degrees.


Question 39 of 50


147 What will be the effect of deploying triple slotted fowler flaps to maximum deflection?

Select one of the following:

  • O Wing area, camber and angle of incidence will increase but stalling angle, stalling speed and L/D ratio all decrease.

  • O L/D ratio, wing area, camber, stalling angle, stalling speed and angle of incidence will all increase.

  • O L/D ratio, wing area, camber, stalling angle, stalling speed and angle of incidence will all decrease.

  • O L/D ratio, wing area, camber and stalling angle will increase but stalling speed and angle of incidence will decrease.


Question 40 of 50


148 Complete the following statement.
As trailing edge flaps move from fully retracted to fully deployed, both lift and drag increase. Most of the additional drag is produced during the .............of deployment whilst most of the additional lift is produced during the..................The additional drag produced by the first half of the deployment is mainly.............................Whilst that produced during
the second half is mainly.................................
1. First half
2. Induced
3. Profile
4. Second half

Select one of the following:

  • O 4, 1, 2, 3.

  • O 4, 2, 1, 3.

  • O 3, 1, 2, 4.

  • O 1, 4, 3, 2.


Question 41 of 50


149 Deployment of trailing edge flaps in straight and level flight wil will……………………………………………………….induced drag?

Select one of the following:

  • O Increase.

  • O Not affect.

  • O Decrease.

  • O Increase or decrease depending on flap angle selected.


Question 42 of 50


150 Which of the following will reduce L/D ratio most?

Select one of the following:

  • O 45° trailing edge flap.

  • O 15° trailing edge flap.

  • O 30° trailing edge flap.

  • O 15° slat.


Question 43 of 50


151 A split flap is………………………………….compared to a plain flap?

Select one of the following:

  • O More efficient.

  • O Less efficient

  • O As efficient.

  • O More or less efficient depending on weight.


Question 44 of 50


152 Deployment of flaps in turbulence will……………………………….?

Select one of the following:

  • O Decrease stalling speed and increase risk of exceeding limiting load factor.

  • O Increase stalling speed and risk of exceeding limiting load factor.,

  • O Decrease stalling speed and risk of exceeding limiting load factor.

  • O Increase stalling speed and decrease risk of exceeding limiting load factor.


Question 45 of 50


153 Deployment of leading edge slats………………………………………...?

Select one of the following:

  • O Energises boundary layer and moves C of P forward.

  • O De-energises boundary layer and moves C of P aft.

  • O De-energises boundary layer and moves C of P forward,

  • O Energises boundary layer and moves C of P aft.


Question 46 of 50


154 Deployment of flaps……………………………………………...CL?

Select one of the following:

  • O Increases.

  • O Decreases.

  • O Increases then decreases.

  • O Decreases then increases.


Question 47 of 50


155 The first few degrees of flap deployment will………………………………………...L/D ratio?

Select one of the following:

  • O Increase.

  • O Decrease.

  • O Increase or decrease depending on speed.

  • O Not affect.


Question 48 of 50


156 Deployment of trailing edge flaps………………………..stalling angle and…………………………………………..CLMAX?

Select one of the following:

  • O Decreases, Increases.

  • O Increases, Increase.

  • O Increases, Decreases.

  • O Decreases, Decreases.


Question 49 of 50


157 Deployment of flaps in icing conditions might…………………..?

Select one of the following:

  • O Cause stalling.

  • O Increase stalling angle.

  • O Spin.

  • O Increase rate of climb.


Question 50 of 50


158 Raising slats too soon after take-off might………………………..?

Select one of the following:

  • O Cause stalling.

  • O Increase stalling angle.

  • O Structural failure.

  • O Increase rate of climb.
