Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

English Literature (Of Mice and Men) Quiz on Of Mice and Men - Curley, created by lmg719 on 04/29/2013.

Created by lmg719 over 11 years ago

Of Mice and Men - Curley

Question 1 of 6


Who Is Curley?

Select one of the following:

  • A 'Jerkline Skinner', handling a team of 4 or 5 horses. He is quoted as being the prince of the ranch for he is like a role model figure to the rest of the ranch workers

  • Georges friend and Companion, he has a mind of a child and is incapable of thinking for himself, thus relying on depending on George on most things he does

  • The bosses son, a small aggressive man with a reputation as a fighter.

  • The Ranch 'Stable buck' caring for all the mules and horses on the ranch. He has a bent back from where a horse once Kicked him


Question 2 of 6


Who does Curley Pick a fight with in the bunkhouse

Select one of the following:

  • Slim

  • Lennie

  • Candy

  • George


Question 3 of 6


Who does Curley think his wife is cheating on him with?

Select one of the following:

  • Candy

  • George

  • Slim

  • Carlson


Question 4 of 6


Why does Curley keep a glove over his hand?

Select one of the following:

  • He thinks it is a nice glove and he lost the other one a while ago so he just wears the one that he still has.

  • He does not have a hand but instead the glove is part of a prosthetic hand

  • He has a hideous grotesque hand from where it was once burned in a fire but he doesnt like people knowing about it so he keeps a glove over it.

  • The glove is filled with vasiline, it keeps his hand soft for his wife


Question 5 of 6


How long has Curley been Married to his wife?

Select one of the following:

  • A few Weeks

  • A few Months

  • A few Years


Question 6 of 6


Why does Curley hate big guys?

Select one of the following:

  • He once had a bad experience where he was nearly killed by a big guy

  • He feels intimidated whenever he is near big guys

  • They Lack common sense.

  • he is jealous because 'He aint a big guy'
