Yuliya Klyashtof
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Chapters 1 & 2

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Yuliya Klyashtof
Created by Yuliya Klyashtof over 10 years ago

Exam 1

Question 1 of 49


Biology is ______________________.

Select one of the following:

  • Mostly a collection of facts that can be ordered and memorized

  • the study of living things

  • a separate branch of science from the study of how organisms interact with each other and with their environment

  • Both a) and b) are true


Question 2 of 49


A buffer is a chemical that:

Select one of the following:

  • can quickly absorb H+ ions to keep a solution from becoming too acidic

  • can quickly release H+ ions to counteract any increases in the OH- concentration in a solution

  • Is identical to baking soda

  • restore the pH of a solution to 7.0

  • a) and b) are both true


Question 3 of 49


Pure water and aqueous solutions that are neither acidic nor basic are said to be:

Select one of the following:

  • Buffers

  • Neutral

  • Translucent

  • Transparent

  • Alkaline


Question 4 of 49


The nucleus of an atom is usually made up of:

Select one of the following:

  • protons, neutrons, and proteins that hold them together

  • Protons, which have positive electrical charge, and proteins, which hold them together

  • neutrons, which have no electrical charge

  • protons, that which a positive charge, and neutrons, which have no electrical charge


Question 5 of 49


A solution's acidity is:

Select one of the following:

  • a measure of its negative charge (the stronger the negative charge, the more acidic the substance)

  • a measure of the number of nucleotide bases in the solution

  • a measure of the amount of buffer molecules in the solution

  • a measure of the number of all dissolved molecules in a solution

  • a measure of the H+ (free floating protons) in it


Question 6 of 49


The pH of a fluid is a measure of:

Select one of the following:

  • its capacity to function as a soap

  • how acidic or basic it is

  • the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in it

  • its enzymatic stability

  • the concentration of phosphate groups


Question 7 of 49


Multiple atoms linked together are collectively called:

Select one of the following:

  • a molecule

  • an element

  • a reactant

  • a substance

  • an isotope


Question 8 of 49


Helium is not a reactive molecule because:

Select one of the following:

  • its first-level shell is full with two protons

  • its second-level shell is full with two electrons

  • its first-level shell is full with two neutrons

  • its first-level shell is full with two electrons

  • Helium is a reactive molecule


Question 9 of 49


Which of the following molecules is NOT formed by covalent bonding?

Select one of the following:

  • NaCl

  • H2

  • H2O

  • CH4

  • O2


Question 10 of 49


All matter on earth, both living and nonliving, is made up of:

Select one of the following:

  • carbohydrates

  • atoms

  • DNA

  • cells

  • phospholipids


Question 11 of 49


There are three principal types of bonds that hold multiple atoms together.

Select one of the following:

  • hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and glycosidic linkages

  • covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrogen bonds

  • covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and disulfide bonds

  • ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, and ester bonds

  • phosphate bonds, disulfide bonds, and hydrogen bonds


Question 12 of 49


Water molecules form which type of bond with other water molecules?

Select one of the following:

  • disulfide bridges

  • ionic bonds

  • hydrogen bonds

  • covalent bonds

  • Van der waals bonds


Question 13 of 49


An atom can be changed into an ion by adding or removing:

Select one of the following:

  • a neutron

  • an orbital shell

  • an electron

  • a proton

  • an isotope


Question 14 of 49


______________________ is the smallest chemical unit of a type of pure substance

Select one of the following:

  • an atom

  • a proton

  • a molecule

  • an amino acid

  • a cell


Question 15 of 49


which five chemical elements make up 93-97% of the biomass in plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria?

Select one of the following:

  • carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, potassium, nitrogen

  • carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen

  • carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorous

  • carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, phosphorous

  • carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, potassium


Question 16 of 49


The number of protons in an element, also called its _____________, identifies the element.

Select one of the following:

  • nucleus

  • atomic number

  • ion

  • charge

  • atomic weight


Question 17 of 49


Biology is to science as _______________ is to ____________________.

Select one of the following:

  • college baseball; professional baseball

  • basketball; sports

  • American soccer; European football

  • baseball; tennis

  • the home team; the visiting team


Question 18 of 49


An element:

Select one of the following:

  • is a substance that cannot be broken down chemically into any other substance

  • is an atom that has lost a proton or an electron

  • must occur naturally on earth somewhere

  • is a component of an atom

  • All of the above are true


Question 19 of 49


All of the following are elements of biological literacy EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • the ability to communicate with others about issues having a biological component

  • the ability to use the process of scientific inquiry to think creatively about real-world issues having a biological component

  • the ability to integrate thoughts about issues having a biological component into your decision-making

  • the ability to write clearly and precisely about your observations, data gathering. and conclusions

  • all of the above are elements of biological literacy


Question 20 of 49


Biological literacy is the ability to:

Select one of the following:

  • use the process of scientific inquiry to think creatively about real-world issues that have a biological component

  • communicate ideas about biology to others

  • integrate ideas about biology into your decision making

  • all of the above are components of biological literacy

  • only b) and c) are components of biological literacy


Question 21 of 49


Thinking scientifically relies on which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • objective observation and experimentation

  • learning a list of facts

  • intuition

  • applying your preconceptions

  • statements from authorities


Question 22 of 49


Which of the following terms and phrases best describes the application of scientific purposes?

Select one of the following:

  • deduction

  • technology

  • junk science

  • statistics

  • pseudoscience


Question 23 of 49


Statistical methods make it possible to:

Select one of the following:

  • unambiguously learn the truth

  • choose the best answer to value-based questions

  • test non-falsifiable hypotheses

  • determine how likely it is that certain results may have occurred by chance

  • reject any hypothesis


Question 24 of 49


The scientific method will never prove or disprove:

Select one of the following:

  • the existence of God

  • the beauty of Shakespeare's sonnets

  • the ability of echinacea to prevent the common cold

  • all of the above are examples of statements that the scientific method will never prove or disprove

  • only a) and b) are examples of statements that the scientific method will never prove or disprove


Question 25 of 49


Scientific data:

Select one of the following:

  • must be collected in laboratories

  • cannot be collected in a completely unbiased way

  • are used to support or refute a hypothesis

  • are always true

  • all of the above are true


Question 26 of 49


A scientific theory is one that:

Select one of the following:

  • is supported by many years of experimentation all supporting the hypothesis

  • is based on hunches with no actual supporting evidence

  • sounds the most plausible

  • is the result of all scientific experiments

  • changes each time a different observation is made


Question 27 of 49


Despite all of the intellectual analyses the scientific method gives rise to and objective conclusions it makes possible, it CANNOT:

Select one of the following:

  • affect one's opinions about social issues

  • generate new hypothesis

  • reject false claims

  • aid in technical advances

  • generate moral statements


Question 28 of 49



Select one of the following:

  • act as a relatively quick available source of fuel

  • serve as carbon skeletons that can be rearranged to form other molecules that are essential for biological structures and functions like nucleic acids

  • in the form of oligosaccharides are often covalently bonded to proteins and lipids on the outer cell surface, where they serve as cell recognition signals

  • are a good source of sustained energy when they come in the form of polysaccharides

  • all of the above


Question 29 of 49


The figure represents which class of chemical compounds?

Select one of the following:

  • fats

  • acids

  • sterols

  • carbohydrates

  • proteins


Question 30 of 49


The secondary structure of a protein refers to:

Select one of the following:

  • the linear assembly of amino acids into a chain

  • the way two or more polypeptides bind to each other

  • the twisting of the amino acids chain into a corkscrew - like shape or into a zigzag folding pattern

  • the configuration of the folded protein when bounded to other proteins

  • none of the above is correct


Question 31 of 49


Organic molecules consisting of only hydrogen and carbon are called:

Select one of the following:

  • carbohydrates

  • enantiomers

  • hydrocarbons

  • fats

  • hydroxyls


Question 32 of 49


An unsaturated fatty acid in one in which:

Select one of the following:

  • carbon-carbon double bonds are present in the hydrocarbon chain

  • not all of the carbons in the hydrocarbon chain are bonded to hydrogen atoms

  • there is an odd number of subunits in the hydrocarbon chain

  • there is an even number of subunits in the hydrocarbon chain

  • carbon-carbon double bounds are not present i the hydrocarbon chain


Question 33 of 49


Glycogen belongs in the class of molecules known as:

Select one of the following:

  • amino acids

  • monosaccharides

  • proteins

  • polysaccharides

  • nucleic acids


Question 34 of 49


Phospholipids assemble spontaneously into bilayers driven by the attraction of their "tail" portions to each other and of their "head" portions to each other. The tail regions are:

Select one of the following:

  • hydrophilic

  • cohesive

  • hydrophobic

  • molecularly charged

  • adhesive


Question 35 of 49


If your hypothesis is rejected then,

Select one of the following:

  • you may still have learned something important about the system you were testing

  • you should change the level of statistical significance until your hypothesis is accepted

  • your experiment was poorly designed

  • your experiment was a success

  • your experiment was a failure


Question 36 of 49


On food packages, "insoluble fiber" refers to plant material that we can't fully digest but is important for maintaining a healthy digestive tract. This substance refers to a(n):

Select one of the following:

  • amino acid

  • carbohydrate

  • protein

  • lipid

  • nucleic acid


Question 37 of 49


When conducting a scientific experiment, which of the following is tested?

Select one of the following:

  • a prediction

  • a result

  • a theory

  • a question

  • an observation


Question 38 of 49


Phenylketonuria is an inherited disorder. Affected individuals have a defective enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase. The substance these individuals cannot break down is a(n)

Select one of the following:

  • protein

  • carbohydrate

  • nucleic acid

  • lipid

  • amino acid


Question 39 of 49


Lactose is a combination of:

Select one of the following:

  • glucose and ribose

  • sucrose and fructose

  • glucose and galactose

  • glucose and maltose

  • glucose and fructose


Question 40 of 49


A nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a pentose sugar, and _________________________, all linked together by covalent bonds.

Select one of the following:

  • a triglyceride

  • a polypeptide

  • a phosphorus-containing base

  • a potassium-containing base

  • a nitrogen-containing base


Question 41 of 49


DNA is made of:

Select one of the following:

  • nucleotides

  • four interconnected carbon rings

  • amino acids

  • glucose molecules

  • fatty acids


Question 42 of 49


Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT true?

Select one of the following:

  • enzymes are permanently changed when they take place in a chemical reaction

  • enzymes are proteins

  • enzymes speed up chemical reaction

  • enzymes often induce shape changes in the molecules to which they bind

  • enzymes help initiate chemical reations


Question 43 of 49


One of the four nucleotide bases in DNA is replaced by a different base in RNA. Which base is it, and what is it replaced by?

Select one of the following:

  • cytosine, replaced by guanine

  • guanine, replaced by cytosine

  • thymine, replaced by guanine

  • thymine, replaced by uracil

  • adenine, replaced by uracil


Question 44 of 49



Select one of the following:

  • catalyze reactions that release energy, but not those that consume energy

  • sometimes increase the amount of energy necessary to initiate a reaction

  • reduce the energy released by a reaction by one of four different mechanisms

  • are always consumed by catalyzing a reaction

  • increase the rate at which a reaction occurs


Question 45 of 49


Which of the following nucleotide bases are present in equal amounts in DNA?

Select one of the following:

  • thymine and cytosine

  • adenine and guanine

  • adenine and cytosine

  • thymine and guanine

  • adenine and thymine


Question 46 of 49


Which type of macromolecules is an informational molecule?

Select one of the following:

  • DNA

  • fatty acid

  • protein

  • polysaccharide

  • monosaccharide


Question 47 of 49


An amino acid is to a polypeptide as:

Select one of the following:

  • testosterone is to a steroid hormone

  • a nucleotide is to a nucleic acid

  • triglycerides are to fats

  • a phospholipid is to a plasma membrane

  • glycogen is to glucose


Question 48 of 49


Scientific study always begins with:

Select one of the following:

  • hypotheses

  • experiments

  • conclusions

  • predictions

  • observations


Question 49 of 49


In a well-designed experiment:

Select one of the following:

  • the prediction will be highly probable if the explanation is true

  • the prediction will be highly improbable if the explanation is not true

  • the null hypothesis will not be tested

  • the prediction will most likely be true

  • a) and b) are both correct
