Abnormal Findings of Eyes


Flashcards on Abnormal Findings of Eyes, created by eli Munden on 19/03/2018.
eli Munden
Flashcards by eli Munden, updated more than 1 year ago
eli Munden
Created by eli Munden about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
EXOPTHALMOS: forward displacement associated with thyroid diesease
Ptosis: Drooping upper lid, occurs from neuromuscular weakness. Cranial nerve III damage or sympathetic nerve damage
Ectropion: lower lid is loose and rolling out, excess tearing
Entropion: lower lid rolls inward
Hordeolum: stye, staph infection of hair follicles. Painful, red, swollen
Chalazion: beady nodule on lid, infection or retention cyst of meibomian gland
Basal Cell Carcinoma: rare, most common on lower lid. Looks like papule w/ uncerated center. Edges rolled out and pearly
Conjunctivitis: pink eye, red, beefy vessels. Common from bacterial or viral infection/allergy/irritant. Often w/ upper respiratory infection. Purulent discharge.
Anisocoria: unequal pupil size, may have central nervous system damage. David Bowie eyes
Monocular Blindness: Light directed to blind eye = no response. Good eye= both pupils constrict consensually
Constricted and Fixed pupils: Miosis, occurs from treatment of glaucoma, narcotics, brain damage of pons.
Dialated and Fixed Pupils: Mydriasis, reaction of sympahtomimetic drugs, dialating drops,acute glaucoma, trauma.
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