
Flashcards on Untitled, created by Caitlin Harley on 21/10/2014.
Caitlin Harley
Flashcards by Caitlin Harley , updated more than 1 year ago
Caitlin Harley
Created by Caitlin Harley over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Graphics Card Graphics cards are plugged into the motherboard. It enhances how the graphics are shown on your computer through tiny pixels.
Sound Card A sound card is slotted into the computer to allow the use of audio components for programs, animation and 3D.
How do graphics cards work? Graphics cards allow the screen to display over a million pixels, of which create an image- as the computer has the information from all the input devices that is needed to produce the image.
How do sound cards work? A sound card allows a computer to create and record real, high-quality sound.
A typical size of a graphics card 512 MB is excellent. The rest by today's standards are throw a ways. But remember the video memory is only part of the story. The chip is what really matters here.
Sound card photo
Graphics card photo
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