Vasya Hero


Flashcards on Vasya Hero, created by Wilma McCauley on 19/11/2018.
Wilma McCauley
Flashcards by Wilma McCauley, updated more than 1 year ago
Wilma McCauley
Created by Wilma McCauley over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Vasys Hero speaks in short sentences because he is just learning English "Even in winter it is green"
immigrant his mother speaks quickly "like the reindeer herder from the far north
likes Bobby "he reminds me of my father"
is the only one from Khakassia on the site but gets on well with the others "sometimes when I am in a good mood I act the fool. "cuntofayoke"
ashamed of himself when he acts the clown to make others laugh
had to leave home for economic reasons there was not enough to sustain us
lost brother violently and could not return home "I could never return home without my brother"
lonely for home " I think of return home and how I would be a burden and a shame to my family"
enjoys solitude , poetic heart "I have the quiet lake and the light that dances on the water
outsider " I was tired of the men in the house, they were drinking and shouting"
perceptive "I know he was lying"
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