English Literature Techniques


Glossary of terms
Flashcards by katakara, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katakara about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Assonance? The same vowel sound repeated with different consonants. i.e sharp, dark glance
What is Alliteration? The fist letter of the word is repeated in words that follow. i.e. slithery snakes
What is a Colloquial? Language used with an informal meaning. i.e."Chill", "Out of this world"
What is Dialect? Version of a language spoken by particular people in a particular area. i.e. Scots
What is Dialogue? Conversation between two people or sometimes imagined between the narrator and reader. (It can show conflict, challenges, intimacy where characters mirror content/style of each others speech)
What is Dissonance? A discordant (disagreeing) combination of sounds. i.e. The clash and spew of grinding waves against the quay
What is Enjambment? Where a sentence continues beyond the end of a line or verse. (Used to create a sense of continuation from one stanza to another)
What is Hyperbole? Exaggerating something for literary purposes, which is not meant to be taken seriously.
What is Imagery? Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Anthropomorphism. They compare something real with something imagined.
What is Irony? The humorous or sarcastic use of words and ideas, implying the opposite of what they mean.
What is Dramatic Irony? Where the audience know something the characters in the play do not.
What is a Metaphor? A word or phrase used to imply figurative resemblance. i.e. He flew into the room.
What is an Onomatopoeia? A word that sounds like a noise.
What is an Oxymoron? Two words not normally associated with each other are brought together. i.e. 'Cold heart'
What is Pathos? Language that evokes feeling of pity or sorrow.
What is Symbolism? Where something is used to represent something else. They give us insight to themes.
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