
Flashcards on Untitled, created by shan_neal on 23/02/2015.
Flashcards by shan_neal, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shan_neal over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Annie Wilkes Misery Annie Wilkes plays a psychopathic woman who is obsessed with an author named Paul Burns who writes famous romantic novels. She claims she's his "number 1 fan". When Paul is involved in an accident Annie who is a nurse, nurses him back to health however keeps him bedridden.Annie keeps Paul as a hostage until he writes a new book bring her favourite charter misery back to life.
At this time her psychopathic side comes out. She losses her temper ,nearly throwing a table at his head. Later she breaks his ankle stopping him from escaping. She keeps a book titled memories which involves newspaper articles showing her court cases where she is up for the murders of several infants. Later she kills a local sheriff who tries to save Paul. Performance Annie is a anti-stereotype of antagonist in thrillers due to her gender. She plays a psychopathic ,obsessive woman. She comes across very powerful , violent and demanding especially towards Paul. For example when he tries to escape she breaks his ankle. This helps make her fit into a thriller antagonist character.
The way she holds the knife in this picture sums up her character as a obsessive , disturbed psychopath. Appearance She isn't wearing any making due to her being isolated from society .Her hair is simple and quite messy fitting in with her characters and the performance. She is dressed in a old fashioned pinny dress with dull dark colour . This helps represent her dark, psychopathic personality .
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