genetic processes final review cards


Flashcards on genetic processes final review cards, created by Ally Carr on 15/06/2015.
Ally Carr
Flashcards by Ally Carr, updated more than 1 year ago
Ally Carr
Created by Ally Carr almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
processes of mitosis
cloning isolate donor nucleus, get unfertilized eggs, remove the egg's nucleus, insert donor nucleus and then place the egg into womb
process of meiosis 1
process of meiosis 2 no synapsis occurs during prophase 2
non-disjunction the failure of homologous chromosomes to seperate
non-disjunction diseases down syndrome= trisomy 21 Edwards syndrome= trisomy 18 turners syndrome= monosomy X
karyotypes a picture of an individual's chromosomes during metaphase -can tell a doctor what genetic disorders you many have/ carrier of genetic disease, etc.
Mendel's principle of segregation principle of segregation: In diploid organisms, chromosome pairs (and their alleles) are separated into individual gametes (eggs or sperm) to transmit genetic information to offspring.
Mendel's principle of independent assortment Alleles on different chromosomes are distributed randomly to individual gametes.
sex-linked traits dominant sex-linked diseases affect 100% of males but only females is the mom is a carrier/ has the disease and the dad has the disease
sex-linked diseases colour blindness, hemophilia
monohybrid punnet square
dihybrid punnett square
incomplete dominance when both alleles show through the phenotype -ex. flowers
co-dominance both dominant alleles show through phenotype -ex. cows
multiple alleles ex. blood type
autosomal pedigrees equally affects males and females
sex-linked pedigrees affects one gender more than the other, usually male
genetic disorders down syndrome= trisomy 21 Edwards syndrome= trisomy 18 turners syndrome= monosomy X
DNA structure
DNA replication A+T G+C
gene therapy some people get genetic counselling before and after genetic testing to prepare and inform them before seeing their results
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