Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 7 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian Flashcards on Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 7 Latinic, created by FSI Serbian on 25/07/2022.
FSI Serbian
Flashcards by FSI Serbian, updated 6 months ago
FSI Serbian
Created by FSI Serbian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Izvolite/ Izvoli Here you go.....
broj, (m.) number
poslednji, poslednja, poslednje, (adj.) last
jer because
Drago mi je što... I am glad that...
veoma very
uzbuđen, uzbuđena, uzbuđeno, (adj.) excited
sada now
Znam da... I know that...
znati to know
tajni, tajna, tajno, (adj.) secret
tajni plan secret plan
Nadam se da... I hope that...
nadati se to hope
već already
kao što just like
više more
više neću da pišem I will no longer write
dobio sam posao I got a job
Glas Amerike Voice of America
sutra tomorrow
ja ću da pijem I will drink
ja ću da jedem I will eat
jesti to eat
kolač, (m.) cake
jabuka, (f.) apple
ja ću da šetam I will go for a walk
Šta ćete Vi da radite? What will you do?
Da li mogu da Vas pozovem...? May I invite /call you...?
pozvati to call, to invite
S poštovanjem Sincerely (with respect)
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