

Flashcards on IQ_R3_L18, created by Noor AlShammari on 02/11/2022.
Noor AlShammari
Flashcards by Noor AlShammari, updated more than 1 year ago
Noor AlShammari
Created by Noor AlShammari over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
إجآنا اتصال we received a call
موقوف detained
ضابط مناوب officer on duty
وقفه he arrested him
الضابط المناوب وقفه the officer on duty arrested him
سكران drunk
كان سايق سكران he was driving under the influence
تهمة accusation / charge
تهمته his charge
مثل ما تعرف as you know
ممنوع prohibited
يسوق he drives
حَجز detention
يترحل... to be deported to...
سجن prison
محاكمته his trial
قبل كم يوم a few days back
ضابط police officer
عصبي speaks with anger
يهدّيه he is calming him down
حاول الضابط يهدّيه the officer tried to calm him down
يصيح he screams
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