

Instructor Rotation four Flashcards on SD_R4_L28, created by Adlan Abdelaziz on 01/12/2022.
Adlan Abdelaziz
Flashcards by Adlan Abdelaziz, updated more than 1 year ago
Adlan Abdelaziz
Created by Adlan Abdelaziz over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
يلا بشّرينا Go ahead give us the good news!
تتخصص she specializes
ترجمة فورية simultaneous translation
إن شاء الله خير hopefully, it's for the best!
عادي normal
بنات girls
عائلات بترفض families refuse
يتقبّلوا they accept
متفوقة outstanding (fem.)
أصحاب العمل business owners /employers
كفاءة أكثر more competent (have more competence)
له علاقة بـ ... is related to...
نطقهم their pronunciation
أقوى stronger
تسفّر أولادها they send their kids
يقرأوا they study/ for studying
وضع مالي financial situation
منح scholarships
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