

Flashcards on FlashCerds, created by Adam Meredith on 08/12/2015.
Adam Meredith
Flashcards by Adam Meredith, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Meredith
Created by Adam Meredith over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ASCII An analogue signal is one which has a value that varies smoothly.
Bitmap Consists of a grid of squares called pixels. Each pixel can be uniquely identified by its position in the grid (x/y coordinates) and each pixel is a single colour.
Colour Depth This is number of bits used to store each pixel’s colour is in an image. The greater it is, the more colours can be represented.
Analogue Data An analogue signal is one which has a value that varies smoothly.
Sampling Rate The number of samples taken per second and is measured in hertz (Hz).
Bit Depth This refers to the number of bits in each sample, combined with the sample rate it determines the quality of the sound.
Samples Taken at evenly spaced time intervals and represented as numerical values when digitising sound.
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