WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (A)


WJEC Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language & Roman Civilisation and Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language Specification 36
Gian Hernandez
Flashcards by Gian Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Gian Hernandez
Created by Gian Hernandez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a, ab from by
absum abesse afui be out be absent be away
ac, atque and
accido accidere accidi happen
accipo accipere accepi acceptus accept take in receive
ad to towards at
adeo so much so greatly
adiuvo adiuvere adiuvi adiutus help
adsum adesse adfui be here be present
advenio advenire adveni arrive
aedifico aedificare aedificavi aedificatus build
ago agere egi actus do act drive
aliquis, aliquid someone something
alius alia aliud other another else
alter altera alterum the other another the second of two
ambulo ambulare ambulavi walk
amicus amici, m. friend
amo amare amavi amatus love like
amor amoris, m. love
ancilla anicallae, f. slave-girl maid
animus animis, m. spirit soul mind
annus anni, m. year
antea before
aperio aperire aperui apertus open
appareo apparere apparui appear
approppinquo approppinquare appropinquavi approach come near to
apud amoung with at the house of
aqua aquae, f. water
ars artis, f. art skill
audax audacis bold daring
audio audire audivi auditus hear listen to
aufero auferre abstuli ablatus take away carry off steal
auxilium auilii, n. help
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Gian Hernandez
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