Mystery vocabulary


Flashcards on Mystery vocabulary, created by joseantonioalvar on 22/01/2014.
Flashcards by joseantonioalvar, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joseantonioalvar over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
cemetery is a place where the dead are buried
curse which is something that brings or causes great trouble or harm
darkness is having little or no light
full moon is one of the four phases of the moon, occurring when the earth lies between the sun and the moon so that the moon is visible as a fully illuminated disc
ghost is the spirit of a dead person,
haunted house which is visited by ghosts
mummy which is an embalmed or preserved body, as prepared for burial in ancient Egypt
nightmare which is a terrifying or deeply distressing dream
noises is a loud or disturbingd sound
shadow is a dark image
tomb is for the burial of a corpse
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