

A-Levels english quotes Mind Map on Deception, created by Matt Pope on 05/06/2013.
Matt Pope
Mind Map by Matt Pope, updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Pope
Created by Matt Pope about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. I folwed ay my dames loore
    1. i followed always my mother's teaching
    2. As wyves mooten, for it is usage
      1. As wives must do, for it is the custom
      2. So wel koude he me glose
        1. he so well could deceive me
        2. I broghte it so aboute by my wit
          1. I brought it so about by my wit
          2. Deceite, wepyng, spynnyng God hath yive/To wommen kyndely
            1. Deceit, weeping, Spinning God has given/To women naturally
            2. Yet tikled I his herte, for that he/Wende that I hadde of hym so greet chiertee
              1. Yet I tickled his heart, for he/believed that I had of him so great affection
              2. Yet koude I make his berd, so moot I thee
                1. Yet could i deceive him, so I may prosper
                2. a feyned appetit
                  1. a feigned appetite
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