

A-Levels Mentor Mind Map on Bees, created by Mr Harvey on 10/07/2013.
Mr Harvey
Mind Map by Mr Harvey, updated more than 1 year ago
Mr Harvey
Created by Mr Harvey almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What they are
    1. Iain
      1. Josh
        1. Jack B
          1. Reece
            1. Sam
            2. How can we save
              1. Alicia
                1. Niamh
                2. Different types
                  1. Sarah
                    1. Katie
                      1. Steph
                        1. Meg
                        2. Why they are so important
                          1. Neve
                            1. Sophie
                              1. Matt
                              2. How to keep Bees
                                1. Emily
                                  1. Jack C
                                    1. Nathan
                                      1. Poppy
                                      2. Bee Charities
                                        1. Lucy
                                          1. Michael
                                            1. Darren
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