Light and Sound


Physics Mind Map on Light and Sound, created by Matilda Dodds on 18/12/2018.
Matilda Dodds
Mind Map by Matilda Dodds, updated more than 1 year ago
Matilda Dodds
Created by Matilda Dodds over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Light and Sound
  1. Light
    1. Spectrum
      1. White light
        1. Red
          1. Orange
            1. Yellow
              1. Green
                1. Blue
                  1. Indigo
                    1. Violet
                  2. Bending
                    1. Less dense to more dense = Towards Normal
                      1. More dense to less dense = Away Normal
                      2. Reflection
                        1. Ray of incidence
                          1. Ray of reflection
                            1. Normal
                              1. The same
                            2. Sound
                              1. Waves
                                1. Longitudinal
                                  1. Transverse
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