Chapter 1: Safety and Professionalism


A mind map of the CompTIA A+ Core 1001 study material as found in the 10th edition of Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide
Colt Mapes
Mind Map by Colt Mapes, updated more than 1 year ago
Colt Mapes
Created by Colt Mapes over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 1: Safety and Professionalism
  1. Troubleshooting Methodology
    1. 1: Identify the problem
      1. 2: Theorize the probable problem
        1. 3: Test to confirm theory
          1. 4: Establish and implement a plan of action toward resolution
            1. 5: Verify full system function and implement preventative measures if necessary
              1. Document findings, actions, and outcomes
            2. Of course if the test fails and doesn't resolve return to step 2
              1. Once confirmed take steps toward resolution
                1. Don't be afraid to escalate.
                2. If needed conduct internal and external research based on symptoms.
                3. Ask the user what they were doing when the problem occurred
                  1. Identify any changes made by the user.
                    1. Make those backups now
                      1. Find out about environmental and infrastructure changes from someone who would know. Managers, in house IT, even the person who has been there forever if you are at a dead end.
                        1. Network cables is from another part of the office, crossing under several desks, 'sposed to be that way?
                          1. This is a new building is everyone else's stuff working right?
                            1. To manager: I got a note in my email about a new system being implemented, that go well for your team?
                            2. Check system logs
                            3. Follows a set of steps to diagnose and fix computer
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