A computer


Mind Map on A computer, created by Lydia Witcombe on 06/12/2019.
Lydia  Witcombe
Mind Map by Lydia Witcombe, updated more than 1 year ago
Lydia  Witcombe
Created by Lydia Witcombe over 4 years ago

Resource summary

A computer
  1. an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
    1. input
      1. what is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system.
      2. output
        1. the result a computer gives you
        2. Hardware
          1. anything you can actually touch
            1. Mouse
              1. keyboard
            2. software
              1. something on the computer
                1. word
                  1. excel
                    1. powerpoint
                    2. the programs and other operating information used by a computer.
                    3. Sensor
                      1. A device that measures or detects a real-world condition, such as motion, heat or ligh
                      2. input devices
                        1. a mouse, keyboard, microphone
                        2. peripheral
                          1. something attached to a computer
                          2. parts of a computer
                            1. output devices
                              1. a printer, speeker
                            2. motherboard
                              1. A primary function of the motherboard is to serve as the base upon which a computer’s components are built.
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