Writing a poetry essay


Simple Mind Map helping you write a poetry essay by Martha Heath
Martha Heath
Mind Map by Martha Heath, updated more than 1 year ago
Martha Heath
Created by Martha Heath over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Writing a poetry essay
  1. Themes:
    1. Think of themes which appear in poems you have studied. Example: Which poems deal with the theme of death? Make a list
      1. Choose the most relevant poems to go with the theme and focus on them (2-3 poems)
    2. Characters/Speakers:
      1. Think of the way the speaker/s deal with the theme. Taking the theme of death as an example:
        1. How does the boy deal with his father's death in 'The Lesson' ?
          1. Compare this to the way the bystanders deal with the victims death in 'Not Waving but Drowning'
      2. Literary Devices:
        1. Consider the use of literary devices and how it helps bring out the message of the poem. Taking the theme of death as an example:
          1. How does Stevie Smith portray death in 'Not Waving but Drowning'?
            1. Compare this to the way death is dealt with in 'The Lesson'
              1. Example: euphemism is used to make the situation sound less painful
              2. Example: the metaphor of drowning
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