International Water Conflicts


A-Levels Geography A2 Mind Map on International Water Conflicts, created by tahseen_365 on 14/09/2013.
Mind Map by tahseen_365, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tahseen_365 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

International Water Conflicts
  1. Iraq
    1. main rivers are Tigris and Euphrates
      1. rivers referred to in bible and Quran as paradise
        1. already conflicts present (religion) not always water related
          1. highly volatile area
            1. runs through Iraq, turkey and syria
              1. Turkey damming river which could lead to further conflict
              2. Mekong River
                1. flows through china, Thailand and burma
                  1. starts in china
                    1. unlikely to start conflict as china provides trade plus size differences between the countries
                    2. India
                      1. river ganges
                        1. india
                          1. upstream
                        2. river Brahmaputra
                          1. bangladesh
                            1. downstream
                          2. both rivers originate in china
                            1. india has more power
                              1. damming river due to supply
                                1. barak barrage 10km from Bangladesh border
                                  1. takes 40% of water
                                    1. can cause economic and political conflict with bangladesh
                                2. Pakistan
                                  1. river Indus
                                    1. starts in China
                                      1. existing conflict between Kashmir and india
                                        1. potential for further conflict
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